NYTD Survey Results

ASU is pleased to collaborate with the Department of Child Safety (DCS) on the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). NYTD is a federally mandated survey of youth who turn 17 years of age while in out of home care. An important part of the survey was having youth advise on the survey process – everything from additional questions to ask youth, to the design of the logo, and how to approach youth to encourage their participation in the survey. The result, 479 youth surveyed to date. Highlights from the infographic show us that 86% of the youth were enrolled in school at the time of the survey.  Youth rated how safe they feel in their living environment an average of 9.2 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being completely safe. Ninety-three percent of youth reported having at least one supportive adult in their personal network.

Dr. Judy Krysik, Director of the Center for Child Well-Being commented β€œThe great thing about the survey is that it points out the many strengths of youth, as well as areas we could do better at contributing to their long term well-being, such as  breaking down the barriers to post-secondary education and assisting youth with financial education.”

The NYTD survey is longitudinal, meaning that the youth will be surveyed again at age 19 and 21. ASU is honored to be able to work with DCS in cooperation with the youth to produce a better understanding of young people living in out of home care who are transitioning to adulthood.

Download the latest infographic here: